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I. Values, Culture, and History (VCH)

ENCW 4830 : Advanced Poetry Writing (The Poetry of Place)

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II. Policy, Planning, and Society (PPS)

PLAP 3160: Politics of Food

STAT 1601: Introduction to Data Science with R

STAT 3220: Introduction to Regression Analysis

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III. Natural Science

BIOL 4559: Plants and Global Warming

EVSC 2850: Polar Environments

EVSC 4050: Topics in Oceanography


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Study Abroad

GSGS 2530/STS 2500: Social Issues in Renewable Energy Governance (Costa Rica)

GSGS 3530/ARCH 3500: Urban Transformations: Exploring Sustainability Past and Present in India

GSVS 4810: Vietnam: An Ecological-Economic Exploration

GSVS 4500: Investing in a Sustainable Future: Sweden and Denmark

COMM 4569: The Business of Conservation

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Core Classes

ETP 2030 Politics, Science, and Values: Intro to Environmental Thought & Practice [You may sign up for ETP 2030 or PLAP 2030 and get credit for the ETP major.]

ETP 4010 Environmental Decisions 

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I. Values, Culture, and History (VCH)


RELG 2210 Religion, Ethics, and Global Environment

HIST 2152 Climate History


ETP 3500/AAS 3500 Africulture: The African Roots of US Agriculture

ANTH 2450 Language & Environment

ENWR 3500 Writing About Environmental Justice

SPAN 4040-3: Translation from Spanish to English

RELB 2067 Buddhism and Environmental Thought and Practice

RELC 3155 Christianity and Ecology

MDST 3510 Digital Media and the Environment

MDST/EVSC 5559 Environmental Data Journalism

ITTR 4010 Narrating (Un-)sustainability: Ecocritical Explorations in Italy and
the Mediterranean

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II. Policy, Planning, and Society (PPS)


ECON 2010 Microeconomics

AAS 3500 Race, Class, Politics & the Environment


LPPP 5500-8 Market-Based Solutions to Environmental Problems [short course]

LPPP 5500-10 Nature-Based Solutions: Boon or Boondoggle? [short course]

ECON 4430 Environmental Economics 

PHS 5050 Environmental & Public Health Policy

AAS 3500/SPTR3559  Race, Gender & Environmental Justice-Latin America

AAS 3500 Environmental Justice Across the Globe

ETP 3500/AAS 3500 Africulture: The African Roots of US Agriculture

SOC 4540 The Political Economy of Climate Change

GSVS 2050 Sustainable Energy Systems

PLAD 2500 The Politics of Migration

PLPT 3500 The Earth: Ethics, Politics & Economics

LPPS 4330 Confronting US Climate Policy

PLAN 3810: Climate Justice in Cities

Any statistics class at the 1000, 2000, or 3000 level

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III. Natural Science


EVSC 1010 Introduction to Environmental Science Offered every semester.


BIOL 3020 Evolution and Ecology 

BIOL 3180 Introduction to Plants and Society

EVSC 2800 Fundamentals of Geology 

EVSC 3020 GIS Methods 

EVSC 3200 Fundamentals of Ecology

Any EVSC class at the 3000, 4000, or 5000 leve

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I. Values, Culture, and History (VCH)


ANTH 2160: Culture and the Environment


ENGL 2599 Ecologies Across Genres

ETP 3500 Nature Connectedness: Hope, Health, and Community

ARTS 2580 Art and the Environment

DANC 3460 Movement & Environment(s)

ENWR 3665 Writing about the Environment

SPAN 4040-3: Translation from Spanish to English

RELB 2067 Buddhism and Environmental Thought and Practice 

MDST 3510 Digital Media and the Environment

HIAF 3112 African Environmental History

ITTR 4010 Narrating (Un-)sustainability: Ecocritical Explorations in Italy and
the Mediterranean

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II. Policy, Planning, and Society (PPS)


AAS 2500 Introduction to Race, Class & the Environment

ECON 2010 Microeconomics 

GSVS 2150 Global Sustainability (cross-listed as ARCH 2150)


GSVS 2050: Sustainable Energy Systems 

GSGS 4100: Global Activism for Social Justice

AAS 2500 Environmental Justice in the Mid-Atlantic

ECON 3430 Economics of Sustainability and the Environment

EVSC 3020 GIS Methods

EVSC/MDST 5559 Toolkit for Communicating Environmental Science

LPPS 5670 Global Climate Change

PHS 5050 Environmental & Public Health Policy

PHS 3620 Built Environment & Health Impact

PHS 5620 Built Environment & Health Impact

Any statistics class at the 1000, 2000, or 3000 level

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III. Natural Science


EVSC 1010 Introduction to Environmental Science

EVSC 1080 Resources and the Environment


BIOL 3450 Biodiversity and Conservation

BIOL 4130 Population Ecology and Conservation Biology 

EVSC 2800 Fundamentals of Geology

Any EVSC class at the 3000, 4000, or 5000 level

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I. Values, Culture, and History (VCH)


ETP 2500: Write Climate: Art and the Environment, Session III

ETP 3500: Multimedia Practice for the Environment, July 29-Aug. 9 at Morven 

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II. Policy, Planning, and Society (PPS)


PLAP 3160/GSVS 3160: Politics of Food, May 20-31 at Morven

GSVS 3110/ANTH 3590: Sustainable Communities, May 20-31 at Morven 

ETP 3500/GSGS 3559: Climate Justice Movement: Theory and Practice, Session III 

Any statistics class at the 1000, 2000, or 3000 level

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III. Natural Science


EVSC 1010 plus everything over 3000

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