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J-term 2025

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I. Values, Culture, and History (VCH)

ENCW 4830 : Advanced Poetry Writing (The Poetry of Place)

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II. Policy, Planning, and Society (PPS)

PLAP 3160: Politics of Food

STAT 1601: Introduction to Data Science with R

STAT 3220: Introduction to Regression Analysis

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III. Natural Science

BIOL 4559: Plants and Global Warming

EVSC 2850: Polar Environments

EVSC 4050: Topics in Oceanography


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Study Abroad

GSGS 2530/STS 2500: Social Issues in Renewable Energy Governance (Costa Rica)

GSGS 3530/ARCH 3500: Urban Transformations: Exploring Sustainability Past and Present in India

GSVS 4810: Vietnam: An Ecological-Economic Exploration

GSVS 4500: Investing in a Sustainable Future: Sweden and Denmark

COMM 4569: The Business of Conservation

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