Dorothe Bach
Born and raised in Germany, Dorothe Bach received a M.A. from the Albert-Ludwigs-Universität in Freiburg and a Ph.D. in German Literature from the University of Virginia. She joined the Center for Teaching Excellence staff full time in 2002. Dorothe designs, directs, and co-facilitates a variety of educational development programs, including the Ignite Program, the Student-Faculty Partnership Initiative, and the Course Design Institute. In addition, she consults with faculty, graduate students, and departments on teaching and learning and she regularly presents workshops locally, nationally and internationally. Her research interests include early and mid-career faculty retention and career satisfaction, course design, learning portfolios, contemplative pedagogy, using social media for learning, transformational learning, and curriculum development. With colleagues Michael Palmer and Adriana Streifer, she won the 2014 POD Network Innovation award for work on a valid and reliable syllabus rubric.
Dorothe currently teaches two undergraduate course, Spiritual Journeys in Young Adult Fiction and Mindfulness and Prosociality, and a graduate seminar Teaching and Learning in Higher Education.